Educating, inspiring, and celebrating heri-tage and culture in disadvantaged and rural communities through the power of music and the arts.

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The power of stories can inform, inspire and motivate us to greatness. Perhpas it is a story told at a family reunion or read in a book about a historical figure or a song we hear on the radio. In either case we often learn about someone through a story. Stories to Songs connects us with folks right in our own hometown or communtiy. It also connects youth and community elders in a powerful multi-generational experience.
Stories to Songs
… is a powerful oral history project that engages elders in rural communities with middle and high school students in a process called collective songwriting. Students interview elders and then write songs based on those elders’ stories. The project develops critical thinking and learning skills, and engages students in a community building experience that develops deep community bonds. It enhances student learning, addresses problem solving skills through the arts, and nurtures creativity and cultural awareness while providing a powerful learning experience. Elders are valued and given an opportunity to meet and share important memories from their lives with students. Those memories can include family, work, social, religious, military or other experiences.
As a 501 (c) (3), your donations are tax exempt and further the mission of Sing It Out. You can make donations to the overall organization or you can give for to a specific residency in your community. Either way, your contributions expand our outreach into communities, building on and sharing the stories that make your community great.
Get Involved
We would love to come to you community and collect stories and turn them into songs. Middle and High School students do the interviewing of community elders and then together we turn these stories into songs. They will be a standing legacy to each of the elders, the community and for the students who invested themselves in the process of creating a living legacy.